Rep. Collins: President delivers on promises

In his first month, the world sees the type of change a skilled CEO can bring to government.

Chris Collins

President Trump was elected by hardworking Americans who wanted to fix the dysfunction and malaise that have overtaken Washington. In his first month in office, he has put the world on notice. Foreign countries must respect the United States and, here at home, special interests will no longer profit at the expense of our factory workers, truck drivers and small business owners. Washington is finally starting to work for the people.

President Trump and Rep. Chris Collins, right, on Feb. 16, 2017.

Whether it’s securing our borders or standing up to our enemies, President Trump is delivering on his promises and providing Americans with win after win.

The president’s actions to keep and create jobs in places such as Flat Rock, Mich., and Indianapolis serve as a beacon of hope for the people in my district of Western New York, who lost good paying jobs as a result of unfair trade. President Trump’s withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership is just one of the many examples where he is putting the American worker first. For too long, our leaders have sold out American workers as a sacrifice to the bottom lines of international corporations.

People across the country are recognizing these actions. Outside the bubble of Washington and the coastal cronies of the mainstream media, Americans are embracing a leader who speaks their language and acknowledges their problems.

In President Trump’s first month, the world has seen the type of change a skilled CEO can bring to government. He wants results to be delivered yesterday, and is backing up his words with actions.

Chaos crowns Trump's first month: Our view

Yes, President Trump is unconventional. As we have seen in the media and with the protests of the liberal left, change is uncomfortable for many. But shattering the status quo continues to be absolutely necessary. America could not afford to continue down the untenable path eight years of liberal governing created.

Certainly, more work needs to be done. Congress needs to pass comprehensive legislation dealing with complicated issues such as tax reform, health care and infrastructure. But for the first time in eight years, we have a president who is ready and willing to work with Congress, and I am confident America will see substantial policy achievements.

I look forward to the wins continuing to pile up and am optimistic knowing we have a president who will fight to deliver results for all Americans.

Rep. Chris Collins, R-N.Y., was an early Trump supporter.